Welcome to Functional Health Screening
Our Focus as a pathology and evidence based functional assessment laboratory is to assist integrative health practitioners identify the underlying causes of disease with their patients so they are able to tailor their treatments to the individual with precision.
We believe achieving success with your patient’s health requires in depth functional screening to establish the cause of disease and imbalance first. Our testing enables you to test your patients quickly, accurately and cost effectively.
Using a private laboratory gives your patient convenience, accuracy and comprehensive in depth screening.
We use a variety of different TGA certified testing methodologies depending on which is the most accurate for each marker, such as Elisa, GCMS, ICMS, spectrophotometry and ion exchange.
We offer blood draw through Laverty, QML, Dorevitch, Western Diagnostic pathology and Abbott pathology. We also send out in home testing kits for urine and saliva.
Blood Draw Centres
Blood draw can be at any of the local draw centres below.
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